The Best Way To Eliminate Keloid Scar: The Best

There are a lot ways that we can apply in order to protect our skin from scars and damages. We do this not just because we wanted to look good, but also to keep our skin healthy all the time. But despite the fact, there are unavoidable incidents that could take place anytime. One of the many problems of our skin are scars and skin infection. In this article we are going to tackle about Keloid scars, what it is, how to treat it and what to do if it’s getting worse.

Getting To Learn More About Skin Keloid

As we all know scars occur when a wound heals. It is occur when there is rapid extending of the skin which results to what we call stretch marks. However, when there is over production of skin tissues during the healing process of the wound, this will then turn into a keloid scar. Not all keloids look a like as their appearance, color and texture may vary. What makes keloid undesirable is the fact that it’s not good to look at. Also, in rare cases keloids tend to worsen and may become a serious treat if not properly taken care. There are two common types of scars, one is the hypertrophic and the other is the keloid. Both of them are scars but one is can be distinguise through characteristics and appearance. One noticeable difference is that keloid scars tend to overlap while hypertrophic only takes the shape of the former wound.

The List of Solutions and a Short Review of Solution

Topical Scare Removal Cream- the effectiveness of scar removing cream you are using will determine the fate of your keloid. This method is the cheapest of all and doesn’t require much time maintaining and I would personally recommend to apply this first. A lot of topical cream that are available in the market are not that potent enough to treat keloid marks. That is why you have to be extra careful choosing the right brand to use. The effectiveness of your scar removing cream can really make a difference on how your scar would look.

Surgical procedure- having a surgery is a sure fire way to get rid of your problem and it is also one of the expensive method as well. I would advise this to be the least option on your list because its that delicate and taking care of the operated area requires time. Furthermore, some experts say that there no guarantee your problem will not re-appear from some point in time.

Plastic Sheet Strategy- unless you have a good scar cream that you are going to use with a silicon scar sheet, this method won’t be that effective. But there are two issues with this method that makes it less of an option. There are cases and reports that the scar did not disappear and it turned back to what it used to look when the application was stopped. The sheet causes itching because the user have to use it for the most part of the day.

Anabolic steroid Procedure- if your keloid scar ages and starts to thicken, the best thing for you to do is ask your dermatologist to perform steroid injection on it. Two or more seasons of this process can completely erase the mark on your skin. But there are discussions about the safety of using it and the injection is very painful and uncomfortable.

To avoid spending too much money, time and effort, as much as possible heal the keloid marks even before it appears. If your serious about removing your keloid scars, you can undergo radiation therapy which is quite costly. .

When you want to decide what treatment you want to do with your keloid marks you need to choose, ensure that you understand the benefits and drawbacks involve. Other than looking for the best scar treatment for you, you should also consider the time you are prepared to invest along the way.

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